
the Linux Manual

GNU Manualinux by
Cristiano Macaluso

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MANUALINUX 7.6 (update 2018/12/31)

The Successes achieved so far by Manualinux:

* Recommended by the University of Florence for the curriculum in the academic years of (2002-2003
and 2003-2004).

* Used in the Teachers’ Training Course from March to May of 2007, organized at ISS in Finale Ligure, Italy, for the teaching staff of the schools in the Province of Savona.

* Recommended by the University of Pisa in the Laboratory of Molecular Modeling. Used within the teaching material for the lessons on “Design for Pharmaceutical Drug Assistance with the Calculator” and “Laboratory of Molecular Modeling for the Master’s Degree Program in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology” in the academic year of 2009/2010.

* In March of 2007, the magazine LinuxPro featured an article (
Article  Editorial  Cover ) on Manualinux and enclosed it in the DVD from April 2007

* The Magazine “Linux Magazine” from July/August of 2006 posted this article on Manualinux.
  Read it!

* Lug of University of La Sapienza in Rome in the year 2006 placed it among the recommended texts for the course in Linux Base in Chemistry
 and in the Freshmen FAQ.

* Recommended link used by the University of Catania.

* One can find four articles in “Punto Informatico” one of the most important websites, dedicated to the latest internet news in Italy.

1 2 3 4

* Used among the links OpenSource and the Dschola project as a network among the 27 school centers on the web and in the territories of Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta.

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